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Rompecabezas en línea «Cookies and Aronia»

2019-10-24 00:00:00

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Cookies and Aronia

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By Анна Вердина. #AnnaVerdina #StillLife #berry #leaf #cookie #pastry #food #dish   Áreas de color sólido: 10%


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Nuevos rompecabezas

nettaly 52
2019-10-24 21:32
The photographer pointed out, focusing on style

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SDFGHJ 50 Solver Rank  2019-10-24 23:51 + 1
The night is watching--NO!!!acuteWell, if only the whole physalis chomp those things down there and say that it was!!!podmig
Okay,allow myself to watch and to lick and everything,and from morning to tastespoonkofe,unless of course its night someone Zistacute
Thanks for the puzzlegoodrosesolnce
Ioanna 43  2019-10-25 01:43 + 0
See now the transfer of " the great bakers of Britain" there was a similar aplod
nettaly 52  2019-10-25 11:20 + 0
Physalis my grandmother was grown for the decoration of bunches; the berries there too, but not as large as in "cooking" (which the store sold), and the taste is exactly the same.
mumof 42 Solver Rank
2020-04-26 17:21

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