Modern divination at Christmas: at midnight: take a pair of scissors to cut the network cable out the window mobile phone and other means of access to the Internet! Go outside and see that the circle is narrowing-clowns a dime a dozen, it remains only to choose.
Now if a person has no mobile phone or Internet, so he's either an alcoholic or a drug addict. And why should a betrothed-disguised need?
2020-01-07 16:42
True story. we had a family tradition of divination for the following year. The ritual is simple, but... come true! But we left after one bad thing nevadalas (and true!) - did not want to do this again all year to twitch and wait for the misery...
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2020-01-07 16:45
Playing with the spirit world? Scary fact....
2020-01-07 17:02
At first it was just a game (no cards, no special boards - just imagination it was necessary to include), and then (when it started happening) we thought... and thrown!
2020-01-07 20:56
anikina With the fate of not argue,he's betrothed...
2020-01-08 00:38
"and cast"
that's right!
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