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Tverianka Solver Rank
! /forum/four/1   ! #414840   2020-04-14 00:01
specialists in "four disconnectors". Help! explain! how to find the right solution, there must be a cunning kind!!!!!flag

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_gst6907763 Solver Rank  2020-04-11 21:07 + 4
seen asked a few times about the strategy in 4, all say that the only selections psihrepa the cunning nobody gavegood
Tverianka Solver Rank  2020-04-11 21:26 + 6
kovboyconfess, and it will be worsesmeh
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! /forum/four/1   ! #395514   2020-02-12 20:01
Good evening everyone!
Such a problem. When in the "fours" click "Start game" it is clicked (changes color), the cell that was under the cursor (under the label "Start game" ); unless, of course, it was empty by the condition. It always happens when I get on an empty cell. Was anyone right?

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NATAKAPA Solver Rank  2020-02-12 16:23 + 2
I have the same thing. Need to check after you open and clean the cage, which is free (the rest should be in the box, that is, they cannot be changed)
_gst6907763 Solver Rank  2020-02-12 16:26 + 2
Yes, I noticed that
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! /four/id116588   ! #383219   2020-01-04 23:45
AS IT IS RESET???????dancedancedancetearstearstearstearswallwallwallwallobidaobidaobidaobida

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olenenok Solver Rank  2020-01-04 23:45 + 2
You do not understand how to solve at all, or where it is stuck.
! /four/id113370   ! #381695   2019-12-29 10:32
Not terribly fond of brute force, but with this level otherwise will not make it! Had to be patient.

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Ioanna  2019-12-29 09:34 + 3
" brute force" ? What is this Thai? smutil
Vovka  2019-12-29 10:22 + 4
"brute force" is "at random"good the selection is shorter.
Ioanna  2019-12-29 10:32 + 3
Vovka, thank you respekt
! /forum/four/1   ! #379368   2019-12-22 01:37
Survey for those who have tried a new game.
Some skin disconnectors 4 you like the most?

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olenenok Solver Rank  2019-12-21 15:29 + 2
Me from Mahjong much good
mikl Solver Rank  2019-12-21 15:45 + 2
Oranges and some blue stuff. If only the frame is already fixed to make more visible.
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! /forum/four/1   ! #378127   2019-12-17 17:01
In the game "four disconnectors" added new skins, and corrected old, there was a button rewind and made some edits. Default skin changed to a new one.

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Support  2019-12-17 10:57 + 4
Skin is a png image 320x64 (5 64X64 squares connected together). If anyone has a desire to make his own version, in your opinion more suitable to send.
olenenok Solver Rank  2019-12-17 14:22 + 4
Thank you aplod I think , and he's already done. respekt
Support  2019-12-17 17:01 + 3
2 options:

! /four/id113320   ! #378049   2019-12-17 07:44
But this proved difficult with the numerous selections, in this case without button "step back" to solve a very difficult. I had some screenshots on the go the solution to do.

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mikl Solver Rank  2019-12-17 00:14 + 2
I tried a simple Yes, no button "step back" - bad.
Support  2019-12-17 07:44 + 3
OK,today will be updated accordingly.
! /forum/four/1   ! #378007   2019-12-17 04:26
Added a new section of puzzles "Disconnectors four"
#of novolisina

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olenenok Solver Rank  2019-12-16 22:02 + 3
dancevverh I have read the rules good aplod
olenenok Solver Rank  2019-12-16 22:15 + 2
I have already entered and true TIC TAC toe and most importantly the right start , a toy like.
Lysva  2019-12-17 04:26 + 5
Шикарно. Спасибо poklon Проверил все 4 варианта на восприятие

Перечислю с самого лучшего.
1 место - зеленый с розовым. Спокойные, теплые, приятные тона.
2 место - красный и синий. Напоминают клетки от игры "Морской бой". Очень насыщенные цвета, что немного ухудшает восприятие. Но крупные отверстия в закрепленных фишках облегчают игру.
3. Синий и желтый. Хоть эти цвета должны гармонировать друг с другом, но именно эти оттенки слишком яркие и режет глаз. А может раздражает восприятие национального флага
4. На последнем месте - шарики. Крайне неудачный выбор. На черном фоне светлые шары (белые или бежевые), в них галочка или крестик, которые в свою очередь обведены кружком. Глаза сильно устают, ухватить сложно строку или столбец. .

Вот оно:

Можно добавить обычный вариант с крестиками и ноликами? Только не делать их слишком большими

Ну и как же без кнопки "Ход назад"? Никак
! /forum/four/1   ! #610030   2019-12-17 04:26
Added a new section of puzzles "Disconnectors four"
#of novolisina

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