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Debe cargar dos imágenes PNG o JPG cuadradas que difieran ligeramente entre sí en varios lugares (del 5 al 20). El formato recomendado es PNG y 512x512 píxeles. Las diferencias deben ser notables, no demasiado pequeñas y, sin embargo, compactas. Después de cargar la segunda imagen, haga clic en el botón de procesamiento.

Después de eso, antes de hacer clic en el botón de publicación obligatorio, verifique con mucho cuidado que el programa reconoció correctamente todas las áreas de diferencias y no agregó innecesarias.

Support 44
! #393563   2020-02-06 21:50
To create razlegshegosya images it is convenient to use the services or programs on the basis of neural networks that allow to intelligently remove objects from pictures. For example:
Also you can create in any editor, yourself modifying or adding objects in the picture or the picture.

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Support 44  2020-02-06 22:29 + 2
To erase objects there are still program Inpaint (surcharge):
Perhaps you know of other tools suitable for these purposes, share in the comments.
Tverianka 49 Solver Rank  2020-02-06 22:36 + 3
I use photoshop. in it and draw and edit and iiii crazyyou can delete unnecessary labels .., to remove the background...
so many possibilities the program has
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ovawiss 44
2020-02-07 09:40
And how much time is required for processing? I uploaded the pictures, hit processing, 7 minutes wait - continues to spin. Eventually refused to load.

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Memo 45  2020-02-07 09:48 + 3
usually a couple of seconds
olenenok 51 Solver Rank  2020-02-07 13:21 + 3
Yes I have quickly processed
ovawiss 44  2020-02-07 14:24 + 3
The second option happened. I think that in the first case was a pair of too small differences (for one of the axes is less than 5 pixels). And I immediately noticed. When altered, it loaded quickly.
olenenok 51 Solver Rank
2020-02-15 19:16
An example of the recognition of difference program , the picture clearly shows three red differences in green square and window of the house where the differences are not (but the program highlighted the difference the green , which is not visible and does not work, but note it will show as a difference!!!) therefore, it is necessary to clearly distinguish and count all the differences , they should be equal to what you have in mind , in this case I did 3 differences , and the program showed 4.

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_gst6907763 46 Solver Rank  2020-02-15 19:31 + 3
@olenenok, thank you
and here is an example of how the program has not noticed an obvious difference in color
learn from the mistakes of pioneers in the Appendix ignat
olenenok 51 Solver Rank  2020-02-15 19:47 + 4
Most importantly why have to watch adds is a fat red circle in a green square and know exactly where he made the difference. Several times I altered this picture is not removed through this window.
_gst6907763 Online 46 Solver Rank
2020-02-29 13:50
useful article on how to create the difference image and as correct, without errors to upload the prepared images on the site

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1912Nk 4
2020-05-07 22:27
Hello, how to save the game? The first time I do such a thing, came to treatment, all turned out, and keep do not know how. Tell me, please. Thank you.

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VIKA2206 18
2022-11-03 16:10
Здравствуйте. А что делать, если программа распознала лишние отличия?

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Mgla Online 50 Solver Rank
2022-11-24 17:27
А программа ищет дубли по картинкам, относительно уже имеющихся задач? Неудобно будет, если повторы найдутся.

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Support 44
! #610049   2020-02-06 21:50
To create razlegshegosya images it is convenient to use the services or programs on the basis of neural networks that allow to intelligently remove objects from pictures. For example:
Also you can create in any editor, yourself modifying or adding objects in the picture or the picture.

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