Instruction in case of meeting a bear! bear is a very intelligent animal and also a foodie.The bear will not attack from ambush to kill prey.Intended victim he scares and chases through the woods to lunch, sweated and fucked.Meat is steaming and rich with oxygen.The insides cleared of shit.Often bears attack in the raspberry patch that the victim was full of vitamins.Therefore, seeing a bear in the woods,don't run ,don't worry and don't be scared.Seeing the bear take a shot of vodka,a snack is bread with garlic and cigarette just stand there, you been farting in.He will leave
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2020-04-05 11:08
Smoking scares. Checked. But it is terrible.
2020-04-05 12:45
How to survive in the taiga. Better just to sew clothes bell. Its ringing scares away the bears. And it is better not to walk on bear trails, you can recognize it by the presence of bear droppings. To understand that it's the Poo bear, is not difficult. As a rule, it sticks out of the bell
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2020-04-05 13:33
2020-04-05 13:36
"As a rule, it sticks out of the bell"
2020-04-21 17:47
Everyone in the childhood was such a bear)))
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