The most beautiful flowers do not look without a vase, and the most beautiful vase is decorated with a correctly selected bouquet of flowers, often the simplest ones. An incorrectly composed bouquet can `` kill ' any vase. In Japan, there is an art - ikebana, the rules for making bouquets and choosing suitable vessels for them. We have florists doing this.
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2020-10-02 14:17
2020-10-03 10:04
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2021-02-22 17:08
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2021-04-01 01:03
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2021-07-26 08:18
И почему я вспомнил заЯца? ))
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Para activar el modo de bloqueo, mantenga presionada la tecla CTRL y mueva el mouse mientras presiona la tecla izquierda o derecha. La ventana del crucigrama mostrará un marco con un relleno translúcido. Después de soltar el botón del mouse, todas las celdas en las que cae el marco se pintarán en el color seleccionado (o cruces, si se presionó la tecla derecha).
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