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Enraged husband rushes home...

Kbcrf Solver Rank
2020-01-28 17:11
Enraged husband rushes home, and, swelling with indignation, already at the door shouting:
— don't be so defensive, sneaky, I know!
— I'll check it out, says the wife.
— And tell me, what is the maximum depth of the lake Titicaca?
#the joke

Me gusta + 7     6
Vovka  2020-01-28 17:20 + 6
281 meterkrutoparty
SDFGHJ Solver Rank  2020-01-28 17:59 + 7
Titi-Kaka?whatit's Good that I did almost no podmig solid savings on parachutesgoodAs the saying goes-a good idea comes afterwardwhat nadot was the money saved in stocking skladat,would already be a millionairegoodobidakruto
nettaly  2020-01-28 18:10 + 6
The situation is familiar to every woman.
Someone from the household runs around the apartment in search of subject AAA (doesn't matter what it is). Followed by about this dialogue:
- What's the panic, what?
- Oh!
- In the closet in the hallway.
- Yes there is!
- I will come and find you!
...Then the woman drops everything, goes to the cupboard, opens - and now, the coveted AAA lies there, where the promised. In response - round eyes, "How do you all find it so easy?!" star
Tverianka Solver Rank  2020-01-28 18:52 + 6
regarding the search don't know what:ignat
first days of service in the army of my son. morning. he has already departed from the house and calls me on my cell phone:- Mom have you seen where my KUMTA(pilotka in Hebrew.)???
me: son, tell me human, what am I looking for???wallwall
nettaly  2020-01-28 19:13 + 3
Kbcrf Solver Rank  2020-01-28 21:38 + 3
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