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Two hunting dogs talk:

Kbcrf Solver Rank
2020-02-18 13:57
Two hunting dogs talk:
— Yesterday, we go with the owner in the woods, suddenly from behind the bushes POPs out a bear!
And the master, memento, cartridges left at home. Well, I rush at him, get loud!
— how brave you are! Rushed at the beast!
— Yes, what animal?! The host rushed over, hugged his legs and shouted "Run, you idiot!"
author unknown
#the joke

Me gusta + 7     2
Vovka  2020-02-18 14:48 + 7
Hunter winter falls through the snow and into the bear den. Looks, and in her little bear is busy playing with himself. Hunter, so carefully looking around, said,
– Hey, baby, dad's home?
– nope!
Hunter, a little bolder
– mother?
– Also no!
the Hunter. in the end emboldened, kicking bear
– well, pshol from here!
Bear in a loud voice:
– BA-BU-skaaa!
Kbcrf Solver Rank  2020-02-18 20:55 + 4
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