Cocoa has been known to people for a long time. It was first tasted by the Indians in Peru and called it "food of the gods." Cocoa fruits grow on trees. The fruit is large up to 35 cm inside and there are cocoa beans. Currently grown in South and Central America, Africa, Malaysia, Indochina. Climate and soil differ greatly, which is why cocoa fruits have different sizes and tastes. And further processing varies considerably. Cocoa beans are supplied to our country from all growing regions. Further processing of cocoa beans is carried out in chocolate and confectionery factories. After processing, semi-finished products are obtained from the beans - cocoa butter, cocoa powder and cocoa vella.
2020-09-10 04:38
2020-09-10 06:00
And if dairy?, Or with additives?
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2020-09-10 10:29
Well, dairy products are useful! Everyone knows two rules of proper nutrition: at least five vegetables and /or fruits and three types of dairy products a day.
And if there are still nuts, dried fruits ... Solid utility, not otherwise.
2020-09-10 14:41
Usually, a vegetable is considered to be what grows directly on the ground, and cocoa is the beans on a tree. In biology, there is no term vegetables, it is only a household term. In biology, fruits. Cocoa is characteristic of caulifloria - the fruits are attached not to the branches, but directly to the tree trunk. The fruit is large, berry-shaped, similar in shape to a lemon, but provided with longitudinal grooves, between which the ridges pass; Contains from 20 to 60 large seeds (cocoa beans) arranged in several rows and surrounded by whitish pulp. Nutrient tissue in them is poorly developed, and the cotyledons are folded. The fruit resembles a large cucumber or an elongated melon, fully ripens in 4 months.
2020-09-10 15:19
Thanks for such a competent comment, I could not explain why cocoa beans are not vegetables. and to call chocolate a vegetable is just not funny vegetable - something light, chocolate is very high in calories and this is its main and probably its only drawback