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Rompecabezas en línea «Bridge»

2021-04-08 00:00:00

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#England #architecture   Áreas de color sólido: 0%


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Nuevos rompecabezas

Vovka. Solver Rank
2021-04-08 23:34
Looks like the same bridge
but on the other hand. An old stone bridge and a cattle fence on a river in Kent, England.
There is no pedestrian part of the bridge, it turns out that it serves only as a hedge from cattle so that the cattle that come to the watering hole does not wander anywhere and would not frighten the ducks.
Perhaps there is a water conduit inside and the bridge is an aqueduct in addition

Me gusta + 7     4
nettaly  2021-04-08 23:50 + 7
Спасибо, @Vovka. - похоже! Сейчас дополню описание...
Я гуглила - но всё, что мне сказали - "Это мост! medal"
Vovka. Solver Rank  2021-04-08 23:52 + 5
А мне сказали, что "каменный мост"ignat
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