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Rompecabezas en línea «Watching the evening»

2020-01-23 00:00:00
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Watching the evening

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  Áreas de color sólido: 4%


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Nuevos rompecabezas

vk218903606 48
2020-01-23 16:07
The one who put P. 3 : "many parts of the puzzle do not differ visually, due to the fact that the picture has large areas (a third area and above) painted a solid color without the presence of graphic elements that allows at least approximately to locate them in the puzzle." Solid color is a solid color.Don't want to offend you,but the question suggests itself - do you like zlatoustie you distinguish shades of colors ? This is not my first puzzle,which isn't moderated for this reason.Gentlemen moderators,please,pay attention to it.

Me gusta + 2     9
nettaly 52  2020-01-23 16:14 + 3
The question is not so much the "splashnotes" colors, how much the ability to determine the location of the parts in the overall picture. For example, some of my puzzles with the pattern of "symmetric repeated motifs" has been removed is exactly p. 3.

vk218903606 48  2020-01-23 16:33 + 2
nettaly,that is sad.This is of course my opinion,but I believe that the third item is useless.Much more interesting to look for the location of the parts without any "leads" is not "Black square",if you want there's always something to cling to.Interesting puzzle,nettaly I'll pack !
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