¡Felicitaciones! ¡Sigue así! ¡Has completado con éxito el rompecabezas!
¡Victoria! Guardando resultado, espere...
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Actual: ⌛
Mejor: ⌛
Error al escribir el resultado, se excedió el tiempo de espera. Problemas con tu conexión a Internet, o el servidor está sobrecargado. Intentar otra vez.
Because I do a puzzle a second time, you add my second completion time to my first completion time? This makes NO sense. Why lower my ranking because I decide to do a puzzle to completion a second time? Average the two times, if you must, but adding the two times and making that my ranking in a list of one time solvers, made me just want to spit. (The first sour note I've had for your 'improvements' since I've been playing on this site, though. So, don't think this is a big complaint. I just won't do a completed puzzle again just for the fun of the layout. The Super Samuri layout is the FUNNEST layout so far. I wish more of them were available.)
Me gusta 3 1
2023-12-22 19:45
That's weird, it shouldn't do that - that's not how it typically works. Solving a puzzle for the second time doesn't usually affect the initial score. It could have been a glitch
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