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Kbcrf Solver Rank
Suvorov with his troops passes through the Alps...
- come on, follow me, fairy-tale heroes! Kill the gnomes! Take away their chocolate!

Me gusta + 6     11
nettaly  2020-04-24 16:39 + 3
Well, Yes, I own cook could not - Rob neighbors. So, for the friendship )))
by the Way, why is the chocolate dwarves produce? Thought they were more blacksmith...
olenenok Solver Rank  2020-04-24 16:56 + 2
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Kbcrf Solver Rank
It is surprising that in the American TV series pizza is usually ordered when there is no money,
and I buy it only on holidays.

Me gusta + 4     2
nettaly  2020-04-22 20:52 + 2
And rightly so, because she's fat and after it catastrophically gain weight...
Nervous and impressionable a spoiler not to look...
Kbcrf Solver Rank  2020-04-22 21:48 + 2
Kbcrf Solver Rank
— Here I'll never finish the novel. Tomorrow morning go to the lake house.
— What is home? What a novel?! You're a welder, Petrovich
— No, it's unbearable!
#the joke

Me gusta + 5     2
nettaly  2020-04-22 15:18 + 3
Similarly, in such circumstances, nothing good to write! :)
Kbcrf Solver Rank  2020-04-22 20:16 + 3
Kbcrf Solver Rank
! /puzzle/online/dvorets_2   ! #417690   2020-04-22 13:28
Trail tales:
— Poor Cinderella was washing the dishes, tidied rooms, washed clothes for father, stepmother, and her two daughters.
she married a Prince.
— Now washes the dishes, cleans the rooms, washes clothes for all the Royal Palace.
#the joke

Me gusta + 4     2
nettaly  2020-04-22 13:09 + 4
So... translated Into modern language: I was a freelancer, and now got a job in a large prestigious company with a young, promising team )))
Kbcrf Solver Rank  2020-04-22 13:28 + 2
Kbcrf Solver Rank
In the theater. - Sorry my boy, but you've got a new fan!
-What? Then it seemed to me that the bottom blows.

F. Ranevskaya

Me gusta + 10     2
nettaly  2020-03-28 18:00 + 4
Thanks for the apt quote :)
Kbcrf Solver Rank  2020-03-28 19:21 + 3
Always ,please!vertuhaprikol
Kbcrf Solver Rank
Woman, be strong: like a man
— came, took the bread, sausages quickly clipped, borwick poured,
said, "What for tomorrow to cook?" All.
#the joke

Me gusta + 5     2
nettaly  2020-03-20 15:01 + 6
That's right :)
Kbcrf Solver Rank  2020-03-20 15:18 + 3
Kbcrf Solver Rank
But I said yesterday, my
- What are you so skinny, buy yourself a cake and eat it.
- is Yours? Who is it?
- inside voice!!!
#the joke

Me gusta + 9     5
Lena2020  2020-03-20 13:34 + 8
nettaly  2020-03-20 13:42 + 3
Yes, cake can, then in the gym three days it is necessary to hold...
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Kbcrf Solver Rank
Good news: — the Group lost in the jungle in Tahiti Russian tourists were found at the swearing parrots.


Me gusta + 7     2
nettaly  2020-03-11 16:12 + 3
Sorry for the bird...
Kbcrf Solver Rank  2020-03-11 17:37 + 2
Kbcrf Solver Rank
! /puzzle/online/pisanki_5   ! #404778   2020-03-10 21:04
On the street there are two neighbors:
— Sara,Hello. where are you going?
— Oh,Kay! I have a business!
— And what are you doing?
— sell boiled Eggs.
— And sell expensive?
— for 50 cents.
— What to buy?
50 cents.
— So you sho this do?
— Fat.
#the joke

Me gusta + 4     2
nettaly  2020-03-10 20:12 + 5
"And the money in circulation, and I in fact" :)
Kbcrf Solver Rank  2020-03-10 21:04 + 3
Kbcrf Solver Rank
! /puzzle/online/voshozhdenie   ! #404230   2020-03-09 19:48
-Where are you vacationing?
In Turkey"All inclusive"
-And I'm in the mountains"All off"

Me gusta + 8     2
nettaly  2020-03-09 19:25 + 4
But mountains are full of adventures included :)
Kbcrf Solver Rank  2020-03-09 19:48 + 4
Kbcrf Solver Rank
You sell lemonade in the cold?
-Why not?I added antifreeze.
#the joke

Me gusta + 8     5
Vovka  2020-03-03 14:12 + 5
Lemonade with antifreezedrinksdance
Lemonade sangria

Please do not consider promotion of drinkingacute
NATAKAPA Solver Rank  2020-03-03 14:46 + 4
@Vovka, it's Sangria! pont
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Kbcrf Solver Rank
The guide shows the tourists the castle. Dungeon travelers suddenly see the skeletons of human bodies, and are cold from horror.
— How did they get here?
— Simple, — explains the guide, already accustomed to such issues.
— They decided to escape from the guide.


Me gusta + 6     2
nettaly  2020-03-02 23:06 + 6
Not an hour in the castle tour?
Kbcrf Solver Rank  2020-03-03 11:20 + 3
Do not be surprised!pokaprikol
Kbcrf Solver Rank
! /puzzle/online/kolli_3   ! #399971   2020-02-26 15:01
I bought a collie, and she is so much afraid of the neighbors...
— a loud barking?
— She does not bark! But the kilt and the bagpipes...
#the joke

Me gusta + 6     2
olenenok Solver Rank  2020-02-26 14:02 + 3
Kbcrf Solver Rank  2020-02-26 15:01 + 3
Kbcrf Solver Rank
Am I crazy? In a red dress, red nail Polish on the red car and the green light to go?

Me gusta + 7     3
NATAKAPA Solver Rank  2020-02-26 14:10 + 3
SDFGHJ Solver Rank  2020-02-26 14:40 + 4
Yeah,red dress with green cvetotron-not steam,not steam,not steam...bayanskripkabalalay
Kbcrf Solver Rank  2020-02-26 15:00 + 3
Kbcrf Solver Rank
doshedshij do konditsii sidit za stolikom v restoranena desert emu prinosyat vinograd.


Me gusta + 6     2
SDFGHJ Solver Rank  2020-02-25 17:03 + 3
klassnoe opisanie vinograda--vino v pilyulyahglass
nadot zapisat na podkorku:emc,hotya tam uzhe stoka vsego,trebuetsya delat katalogbook
ochen ponravilos,spasibo!drugangivefiveklassflowersflowersflowerssolnce
Kbcrf Solver Rank  2020-02-25 18:09 + 2
Kbcrf Solver Rank
Two hunting dogs talk:
— Yesterday, we go with the owner in the woods, suddenly from behind the bushes POPs out a bear!
And the master, memento, cartridges left at home. Well, I rush at him, get loud!
— how brave you are! Rushed at the beast!
— Yes, what animal?! The host rushed over, hugged his legs and shouted "Run, you idiot!"
author unknown
#the joke

Me gusta + 7     2
Vovka  2020-02-18 14:48 + 7
Hunter winter falls through the snow and into the bear den. Looks, and in her little bear is busy playing with himself. Hunter, so carefully looking around, said,
– Hey, baby, dad's home?
– nope!
Hunter, a little bolder
– mother?
– Also no!
the Hunter. in the end emboldened, kicking bear
– well, pshol from here!
Bear in a loud voice:
– BA-BU-skaaa!
Kbcrf Solver Rank  2020-02-18 20:55 + 4
Kbcrf Solver Rank
Wow!!! Still life in 3D Max!!!!
- Slava! Shut the fridge!

Me gusta + 6     1
Vovka  2020-02-11 21:25 + 3
Kbcrf Solver Rank
! /puzzle/online/ozero_garda   ! #390545   2020-01-28 21:38
Enraged husband rushes home, and, swelling with indignation, already at the door shouting:
— don't be so defensive, sneaky, I know!
— I'll check it out, says the wife.
— And tell me, what is the maximum depth of the lake Titicaca?
#the joke

Me gusta + 7     6
Vovka  2020-01-28 17:20 + 6
281 meterkrutoparty
SDFGHJ Solver Rank  2020-01-28 17:59 + 7
Titi-Kaka?whatit's Good that I did almost no podmig solid savings on parachutesgoodAs the saying goes-a good idea comes afterwardwhat nadot was the money saved in stocking skladat,would already be a millionairegoodobidakruto
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Kbcrf Solver Rank
— Sam, what you gave the young to the wedding?
— Vintage service for 12 persons. And you, Izzy?
— I — tea strainer to 88 people!
#the joke

Me gusta + 8     1
olenenok Solver Rank  2020-01-09 21:31 + 3
ignat vverh
Kbcrf Solver Rank
! /puzzle/online/sem_gnomov   ! #383364   2020-01-05 17:28
Does not matter whether you believe in leprechauns or not.
the Important thing is that dwarves believe in you. Don't let them down!
#the joke

Me gusta + 6     4
SDFGHJ Solver Rank  2020-01-05 16:03 + 3
Hi!good happy New Year!ded We have no snowwhat,and You with him? What's the snow maiden on your Avatar--wah-wah-Wah!!!kiss A snow maiden from the hot Coffee not poteetekofekofetort
From my side I Promise---the Gnomes will not Fail!!!goodpodmigporukam
Kbcrf Solver Rank  2020-01-05 16:53 + 3
And Hello to you!podmigNew Year,New Happiness!deddedAnd my snow!snowsnowfalling for almost a week,no time to cleanskovorodasnowmanno, you will Not melt the snow maiden sweet only benefitkofetort
I Hope all the elf will not failbozhekisshaha
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Kbcrf Solver Rank
— Uh, what's your dog! What started?
— at the Park late in the evening is not afraid to walk.
And why are you in the dark in the Park for a walk?
— Like what? To walk the dog right! What do you mean?
#the joke

Me gusta + 9     2
nettaly  2020-01-03 17:53 + 3
In this case, Lucci to get a cat - he samovyravnivayuschihsya acute
Kbcrf Solver Rank  2020-01-03 20:06 + 2
Kbcrf Solver Rank
- You have heard of Stapleton? What is this terrible sound comes with Ginensky quagmire? A strange grunt...
— locals say that so matter Gerasim when looking for the hound of the Baskervilles.

author unknown

Me gusta + 5     2
nettaly  2019-12-22 22:54 + 5
What is this eerie silence, Barrymore?
Is the fish of the Baskervilles, sir...
Kbcrf Solver Rank  2019-12-23 17:36 + 2
Kbcrf Solver Rank
Cleaning on kitchen already the 73rd fish, the wife angrily tells her husband the fisherman:
as human beings, come on! Fishing, like all people, DRINK VODKA!!
#the joke

Me gusta + 10     9
anikina  2019-12-19 17:40 + 7
To clean, it's okay. They also then still need to eat. The disease develops- "poison" is called ignat ignat ignat
evgen1985  2019-12-19 17:59 + 10
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Kbcrf Solver Rank



again, don't!"

Me gusta + 5     4
nettaly  2019-11-26 17:55 + 2
Well what can I say... I Live near navigable rivers - the beak do not click! If the Neva river has 19 movable bridges, R. Chicago (USA) - already 38. vertuha I guess with so many there is some brochure type "Schedule of the bridges on the September 2020" read
Kbcrf Solver Rank  2019-11-26 19:20 + 2
I think that there is somehow guided in fact.wall:skovorodakruto
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Kbcrf Solver Rank
The hen ran to the blacksmith:
— Blacksmith, blacksmith go to the owner of a good spit. The owner gives a cow grass, the cow will give milk, the hostess will give me the butter, I grease the neck of the cock: cock choked on bean seed.
— the Scythe of course, I can give. But why don't you just take my oil?
— Yeah?! And to screw up such a good quest?!
#the joke

Me gusta + 13     4
nettaly  2019-11-10 00:25 + 6
True story.
dramatically in the Winter piled snow, and the Parking lot need to go! My husband went to dwornicki to borrow a shovel, but to receive it (as it turned out) you must complete a quest: to dig up the yard :) So to the evening, sharp-witted old woman received a clean yard acute
olenenok Solver Rank  2019-11-10 00:29 + 4
ugar nettaly , go buy a shovel until winter came it easier.
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Kbcrf Solver Rank
— Today, I was so busy all day!
Yes? What?
— in the morning I got up early, ran to the supermarket, then vacuumed the whole apartment
and somewhere in the 11th, after a week of failure, hooked up to the Internet.
And then everything in the fog...

Me gusta + 7     2
Lena2020  2019-11-03 16:25 + 5
Kbcrf Solver Rank  2019-11-03 16:41 + 1
Kbcrf Solver Rank
— Barrymore, what are we having for Breakfast?
— Oatmeal, sir.
— What's for dinner?
— Oatmeal, sir.
— Well, for dinner?
— Chops, sir.
— Oh wonderful, and what?
— oatmeal, sir.
#the joke

Me gusta + 6     3
olenenok Solver Rank  2019-10-04 19:46 + 1
SDFGHJ Solver Rank  2019-10-04 22:00 + 1
Just like in the movie "offered for singles," there she nursed her husband all day eggs,and night--oklatomgoodpodmig
have Fun,thanks!goodrosesolnce
nettaly  2019-10-04 22:42 + 1
And, Yes, I remember - good movie :)
Kbcrf Solver Rank
— Where's the beef grandma?
— Meat you have at home,
and we've got a mighty tasty Breakfast — barley,
as in the best houses of Paris.

Me gusta + 2     2
Tverianka Solver Rank  2019-09-30 13:45 + 1
and we, as in the best houses of LONDON Breakfastcrazyugar
Your oatmeal, Sir,
Kbcrf Solver Rank  2019-09-30 14:12 + 0
English Breakfast!Classic!podmigpodmig
Kbcrf Solver Rank
On the street there are domestic and stray cat.
Home asked:
- Listen, bro, but who feeds you?
- no, I feed myself!
No way - you know how to open the cat food?!

Me gusta + 8     2
SDFGHJ Solver Rank  2019-09-29 22:07 + 2
As they say-you Want to live,manage everything you discover!good:podmig
Good you a partygood:Well,: kofe:or#tea:limeand of coursetortand let's talk about this and thatpodmig
Kbcrf Solver Rank  2019-09-30 12:46 + 0
So, good day!solnceJust saw coffeekofe and teatealime it is possible now, and tortpiece has never interfered,and the conversationacutevertuha
Kbcrf Solver Rank
— Why your restaurant has no menu?
— Because our chef is an abstract artist!
— ... do Not understand.
— it's very simple. He prepares a dish, and every customer, he guesses that he ate...)))


Me gusta + 3     1
olenenok Solver Rank  2019-09-25 19:40 + 1
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