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Dear administration...

richik Online 46 Solver Rank
! #361462   2019-10-24 17:24
Dear administration, so as not to hurt anyone's feeling, please don't read or take to heart. Thank you. This is just my impressions and in no way negative and does not claim

I really do not like the format of the tournament. The absence of the tips in tournaments, that's fine. But to solve these large and complex without them... not for everybody. Would not hurt probably the feature that emerged and reported that there are no more moves. And I I don't know whether it makes sense to continue or should we look for where in stalled were wall

Me gusta + 4     13
Lena2020 48  2019-10-24 17:33 + 3
Support tooltip about the lack of moves in manange porukam
katerinafm 43  2019-10-24 17:35 + 0
By the way, I also thought about such a function. Do, please!good
Ioanna 43  2019-10-24 18:05 + 3
In this tournament I'm an outsider and my opinion is: I'm against. Lost the spirit of competition and sense of tournaments . From all hints, not so long ago, gone and come back. As for dead ends, decided on 3 times some of them Yes, takes time to understand the deadlock, but this is a competition.
Ioanna 43  2019-10-24 18:07 + 2
And I'm inspired to solve such large it the tournament before any one decided.
katerinafm 43  2019-10-24 18:11 + 2
Interesting opinion, perhaps the only true...sad
katerinafm 43  2019-10-24 18:21 + 0
By the way, I'm also very challenging puzzle solve only in tournament games
richik 46 Solver Rank  2019-10-24 18:26 + 1
Ioanna, I do admired those who are able to solve all tasks. I have no patience for it kruto
Ioanna 43  2019-10-24 18:35 + 0
richik, until the end of the tournament 3 days ignatignat
Lena2020 48  2019-10-24 18:58 + 3
I'm not for the return of the tips, I'm all about the pop-up window about the impasse and to solve large or not even in tournaments we decide for yourself, I have the time I decide, there is no delay :)
richik 46 Solver Rank  2019-10-24 19:50 + 0
Yes, Yes! tips definitely not necessary to return
Ioanna 43  2019-10-24 20:15 + 2
Pop-up window "You are stuck" - too tip acute
Lena2020 48  2019-10-24 21:09 + 2
It is foolish to fight over what already has no solution, a waste of timesmutil
Tverianka 49 Solver Rank  2019-10-25 22:29 + 3
I again advocate a more careful selection of puzzles. solve small and difficult to see just izdevatelstvo.
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