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For fans of Polyominoes - puzzles festive mission to...

olenenok Online 51 Solver Rank
! #371581   2019-11-25 16:04
For fans of Polyominoes - puzzles festive mission to the birthday website.

Me gusta + 6     16
NATAKAPA 56 Solver Rank  2019-11-25 16:11 + 3
mostanina 46  2019-11-25 18:57 + 3
Thank you!serdceroseroserose
I on Saturday as I activate GRANDMASTER (Unrealistic drop) and perreau all the holiday missions!shocking
olenenok 51 Solver Rank  2019-11-25 19:06 + 3
So we have the Saturday Party tournament every hour. Missions will be a lot of all won't make it in one day.
NATAKAPA 56 Solver Rank  2019-11-25 19:06 + 2
@mostanina and who goes to tournaments for 15 hours go? Pushkin?acuteacuteacute
anikina 54  2019-11-25 19:57 + 1
NATAKAPA, don't worry! mostanina strong player. Everywhere time!!! rose rose rose
mostanina 46  2019-11-25 19:59 + 1
E-15 I can't, I don't know how smutil
I Promise all the reserves time to spend on the solution to the holiday missions!sofakofetortspoon
NATAKAPA 56 Solver Rank  2019-11-25 20:02 + 1
Tournaments will be contiguous and overlap each other for 15 hours straight. Would have time to work out. shocking
olenenok 51 Solver Rank  2019-11-25 20:03 + 2
mostanina , there is still nettaly cook. metla
mostanina 46  2019-11-25 20:11 + 2
I agree! sobakaI even sleep will not go, will decide!pilesos it Turns out that I'm a maniac?whatugar
anikina 54  2019-11-25 20:16 + 2
mostanina You gamers! rose rose rose porukam
mostanina 46  2019-11-25 20:32 + 3
Like it!ignat
I Love it when there's a lot of prizes! And artifacts, plenty more!metla
Support 44  2019-11-25 20:33 + 2
"feel each other"

these tournaments are not superimposed, pause for about 15-30 minutes between tournaments.
anikina 54  2019-11-25 20:41 + 2
mostanina, You will succeed!
" pause 15-30 minutes between tournaments "

15-20 minutes is enough to complete the missions that have thrown olenenok. I view them, they are very light and stages, time is short. I'll keep You fingers crossed! porukam
mostanina 46  2019-11-25 20:59 + 1
@anikina, thanks for the support!serdcerose
I wish good luck to all players!porukamradiationdiamondtrophymedal
I will Try to do two more boosters on the bonus codes, that would be something to play.solnce
NATAKAPA 56 Solver Rank  2019-11-26 02:15 + 0
"these tournaments do not overlap, pause 15-30 minutes between tournaments"

porukamvverh now, unlike the first variant, Yes solncestar
mostanina 46  2019-11-28 20:09 + 0
Still could not resist and took a bite of all the cakes today!forktortspoonkofe
Thank you, very tasty and festive mission!cvetyaplod
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