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Here I will complete the second Univ

vsv240676 Solver Rank
! #382156   2019-12-30 21:35
Here I will complete the second Univ.solver ... get some rest and take over the Ruler-2

Me gusta + 6     8
Lena2020  2019-12-30 21:38 + 3
Good luckporukamcvety
anikina  2019-12-30 21:52 + 2
vsv240676, these two achievements are done in parallel! rose
Lena2020  2019-12-30 21:56 + 1
anikina, it was before me now does not allow, one at a time, one after another, the party's overignat
NATAKAPA Solver Rank  2019-12-31 02:20 + 1
vsv240676 Solver Rank  2020-01-01 11:13 + 2
I know, but with Christmas rush is no time to solve the puzzle for 23 per day and UR-2 there are very few
vsv240676 Solver Rank  2020-01-01 11:18 + 1
And anyway, Elizabeth, I'd like to challenge You to a DUEL for Master 2!
You already started?
anikina  2020-01-01 13:25 + 1
vsv240676, thank you for the invitation!!! With the New 2020!!!
I Wish You good luck, happiness, success, love! tort glass

I Have already 30% of the Master 2 is passed!
ovawiss  2020-01-01 13:25 + 3
Lena2020 writes:
"I am now together does not allow one person at a time"

I Have been activated a second controller, the second solver somehow missed. Now specifically activated and it decided a couple of puzzles and checked - the percent added on both achievements. So at the same time it seems to work.
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