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Entrada #392294

Vovka 32
! #392294   2020-02-02 20:42
@vk218903606, спасибо!porukamrespektrespektrespekt Мощная картинка!vverhvverhvverh
Но, к сожалению, кто-то "обшибся", на фото не Ар-Мен. Вот Ар-Мен, на нём даже написаноgood

Тот, что на картинке, похож на маяк "Фелгейраш"
Маяк "Фелгейраш" находится в Порту и стоит едва ли не на берегу, поэтому
в категорию "АД" никак не попадает

Me gusta + 10     15
anikina 54  2020-02-02 20:47 + 5
Thank you, very interesting information
olenenok 51 Solver Rank  2020-02-02 20:49 + 2
Dear , those who do not like something, all in the garden!!!! I spent the whole day reading Your discussion. Look for yourself in the Internet, by the way this picture falls under copyright. Where were you when Heifers were engaged in one directory. and I have one edited.
NATAKAPA 56 Solver Rank  2020-02-02 20:49 + 4
NATAKAPA 56 Solver Rank  2020-02-02 20:52 + 6
Applause refer to the information @Vovka.
olenenok 51 Solver Rank  2020-02-02 20:54 + 1
Yes, I understand that the whole concert is arranged in order I left the site.
NATAKAPA 56 Solver Rank  2020-02-02 20:57 + 6
@olenenok, what makes You think that? Discussed quietly peacefully. star
olenenok 51 Solver Rank  2020-02-02 21:01 + 2
With the fact that if you have not noticed people who are really engaged in the catalog of motifs this discussion was not.
NATAKAPA 56 Solver Rank  2020-02-02 21:07 + 5
But You as someone puts a negative assessment. About them, and it was. Or I do not understand.....
Vovka 32  2020-02-02 21:08 + 4
olenenok, all like itrose Photo is in the public domain, "copyright" there is no surrounding

the Discussion was about some aspects of moderation, please don't take it personallyrose
olenenok 51 Solver Rank  2020-02-02 21:16 + 4
Discussion about moderation without moderators, this is not a debate. Those who vote for the pictures on your taste , really unhappy with those who vote according to the rules (for those who do not know p. 3 this is my invention) .
Vovka 32  2020-02-02 21:28 + 5
I think we have the right to discussgood I did not draw Yaks, just expressed my opinion. You could participate in the discussion, what does the lighthousewhat
olenenok 51 Solver Rank  2020-02-02 21:33 + 4
To remove all questions at the bottom of the ship, paragraph 3, I have no complaints to the moderators, it is their right , the picture is 50 by 50 by passing, for fun you can see the statistics ( along with all vehicles)
Vovka 32  2020-02-02 21:49 + 5
olenenok, thank you! Please tell me anything you think of here
what does my comment to puzzle lighthousewhat
olenenok 51 Solver Rank  2020-02-02 21:56 + 2
There I can not say and Mrs. Terance well aware of this, so they're having a discussion in their company.
Tverianka 49 Solver Rank  2020-02-03 01:34 + 8
discussion - it's not a claim. Natalie and myself can write.
topic - Where were you when.... you can continue as follows
where were you when Mrs. Squirrel, Anikina and Terence drove old yaks to 100% of the solution. but it is not necessary to continue these tensions and squabbles.
we are all adults and I came to this voluntarily and in sound mind, but on this website, but not on any other, to relax, properly and respectfully communicate.
and no one but the administrator has no right to decide who to remove and who to stay.
once again call for respect each other.
Satovcha!!! let's relax TOGETHERdrinks
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