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My question is - to collect puzzle was impossible...

Alisa_Anufrieva Online Solver Rank
! #392841   2020-02-04 19:30
My question is - to collect puzzle was impossible, twisted the screen as I could, even added my own little polyvidone details, but the puzzle is not assembled. In that case to do? And it's a tournament, sorry.

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_gst6907763 Solver Rank  2020-02-04 20:06 + 3
it's a shame of course, save and reboot, what else can you dowhat
can another browser to try
Alisa_Anufrieva Solver Rank  2020-02-04 20:12 + 3
It is possible of course, but then the tournament time goes on, this situation is unpleasant..obida
NATAKAPA Solver Rank  2020-02-04 20:25 + 3
They all had schools in the tournaments! tears
Tverianka Solver Rank  2020-02-04 20:46 + 3
I even rebooted the computer in a tournamentwhat was the Internet just went outwall
Memo  2020-02-04 20:49 + 2
for apple devices it is best to install Chrome. Safari is on the site there are a lot of stocks that are not yet resolved.
Alisa_Anufrieva Solver Rank  2020-02-04 20:58 + 2
Memo, tell and Yandex? I use it more convenient.
Memo  2020-02-04 21:08 + 2
Yes, all except Safari, Internet Explorer and edje. I personally use FireFox.
Memo  2020-02-04 21:09 + 2
in Opera, possible problems associated with the mouse gestures, they should be off, otherwise it will interfere with some puzzles, but the functionality is working well
EEE1961 Solver Rank  2020-02-12 06:06 + 2
I reduce the size until not begin to appear the details , but it turns out very finely
EEE1961 Solver Rank  2020-02-12 06:08 + 2
And , of course, if it's a tournament, sorry
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