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Urrrya after 4 defeats I defeated the bot, starve...

Acceleration 34
! #404095   2020-03-09 08:58
Urrrya after 4 defeats I defeated the bot, starve, browses floor boards he was impaled on the plug. vdv Well, I have ambition, at least for the final, if not also yawn nothing. Although, knowing how I play blitz... Soooo, glavnoe peace of mind good

Me gusta + 7     4
NATAKAPA 56 Solver Rank  2020-03-09 10:55 + 5
NATAKAPA 56 Solver Rank  2020-03-09 10:58 + 5
@Acceleration, it is time to give tutorials!
Lena2020 48  2020-03-09 11:04 + 5
Acceleration 34  2020-03-09 12:59 + 3
I'd love to, Yes no equipment good Oh, and for interest I looked at the Internet, it turns out the player walking first with a persistent resistance of the opponent still needs to win in 49 moves, in my opinion. In short, in the usual TIC-TAC-toe is always a draw, but there is always a winning first move.
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