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Entrada #410240

pushinka24 50
! #410240   2020-03-27 13:47

Me gusta + 9     4
Lena2020 48  2020-03-27 14:14 + 3
NATAKAPA 55 Solver Rank  2020-03-27 14:16 + 3
SDFGHJ 50 Solver Rank  2020-03-27 14:37 + 5
Totally Agree!!!:get_five: Wonderful Wishes!!!hahabayan
Smiling,People, eat Garliceda
Horseradish, Ginger,Cinnamon,poporcea that! zuby
nasty virus robinpulemetmetlapilesos
You will not do!!! psihoz
It glistening patki,will be removed-Here!loshad
Nothing that the smell,not the concert to go drinks
most Importantly-HEALTH!!!!!vashevashevashehands
the Rest---pchhi !!!hihihihihihi

Vovka. 47 Solver Rank  2020-03-27 15:11 + 5
Be kind, don't be mad, possessed patience.
Remember: light of your smile
Depends not only your mood,
But a thousand times the mood of others.

Eduard Asadov
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