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Torneo #2183 «MultiPuzzles Morning»

Утренний турнир по мультипазлам 8x6 клеток.
Hora del servidor: 2025-02-21 15:20
TorneoFondo de premiosCalificación Inicio de registro Comienzo del torneoGiraContribuciónMinutos para recorrido Miembros
#2183 Rompecabezas múltiple MultiPuzzles Morninghandicap Fondo de premios9   +1 ∞ R08.01 14:3009.01 10:00 5/518 (5)9 / 128
JugadorI (09.01 10:00-09.01 10:08) #114771II (09.01 10:05-09.01 10:13) #114819III (09.01 10:10-09.01 10:18) #114869IV (09.01 10:15-09.01 10:23) #115173V (09.01 10:20-09.01 10:28) #115278HándicapGafasUbicaciónPremio
1578 asvoron_gg 2024-05-22 23:32:036 (01:30)4 (02:22)5 (02:42)7 (01:51)6 (02:54)8364
1686 Game 2025-02-21 08:22:527 (01:25)6 (01:35)7 (01:11)6 (01:52)8 (01:50)4383
1732 B8831388 2021-12-17 01:42:020 (-)0 (-)0 (-)0 (-)0 (-)007
1445 tetra 2025-01-29 21:56:335 (02:29)3 (05:21)4 (02:47)3 (02:47)3 (05:30)12305
1588 EEE1961 2025-02-21 07:16:525 (02:29)7 (01:32)3 (02:57)5 (02:31)4 (04:04)6305
1600 HSalminen 2025-01-30 16:31:330 (-)0 (-)0 (-)0 (-)0 (-)666
1723 Alisa_Anufrieva 2025-02-17 13:34:538 (01:19)8 (01:16)8 (01:10)9 (00:52)9 (01:10)2442
1704 mostanina 2021-10-09 17:06:119 (00:58)9 (01:01)9 (01:02)8 (01:06)7 (01:54)4461
1482 Lysva 2021-10-08 14:41:310 (-)5 (01:42)6 (02:04)4 (02:36)5 (03:15)10305

Juegos activos

asvoron_gg 46
2020-01-09 10:28
Margaret, congratulations on winning!cvetycvetycvety

Me gusta + 2     1
mostanina 46  2020-01-09 13:44 + 2
Thank you!serdcerose
mostanina 46
2020-01-09 10:30
Thanks to all participants for playing!respektaplodcvety
@Alisa_Anufrieva roseserdce

Me gusta + 3     1
Alisa_Anufrieva 47 Solver Rank  2020-01-09 10:32 + 2
congratulations! rosecvety thank you)aplod
EEE1961 44 Solver Rank
2020-01-09 10:54
Tell me why the achievements did not get an Amateur tournament?

Me gusta + 2     1
Alisa_Anufrieva 47 Solver Rank  2020-01-09 11:08 + 2
I think You should wait, when I opened this achievement 3 tournaments counted during the day.
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