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Torneo #5156 «PoliminoPuzzles Evening Amateur»

Турнир по полимино-пазлам для любителей. Размер не более 13x9.
Hora del servidor: 2025-02-21 02:16
TorneoFondo de premiosCalificación Inicio de registro Comienzo del torneoGiraContribuciónMinutos para recorrido Miembros
#5156 Rompecabezas poliomino PoliminoPuzzles Evening Amateurclassic Fondo de premios4   +1  R<161010.07 12:3010.07 19:30 5/518 (5)4 / 20
JugadorI (17.06 12:25-19.06 11:55) #443378II (18.06 00:25-19.06 23:55) #414033III (18.06 12:25-20.06 11:55) #429633IV (19.06 00:25-20.06 23:50) #414014V (19.06 12:25-21.06 11:55) #437917VI (20.06 00:25-21.06 23:55) #404162VII (20.06 12:25-22.06 11:55) #438954HándicapGafasUbicaciónPremio
1180 mo1za2ika 2025-02-20 22:54:523 (33:14)4 (01:08:38)3 (42:35)4 (11:50)6 (23:13)4 (17:11)5 (20:47)02971923
1872 mvt222 Online7 (15:51)9 (26:55)9 (17:47)8 (08:35)5 (24:20)9 (10:33)9 (10:37)056315316
1834 Cuber 2025-02-20 15:14:5210 (11:27)6 (39:06)8 (17:52)6 (09:01)7 (19:34)8 (10:36)7 (12:20)052410876
2414 nickodim 2025-02-20 21:02:528 (14:04)7 (36:16)7 (18:44)9 (05:02)10 (11:46)7 (11:35)8 (10:46)056315316
1258 14gul 2025-02-20 22:59:525 (21:26)8 (35:26)6 (20:47)1 (18:24)3 (33:01)3 (23:32)4 (21:18)03063846
1048 lbhbr 2025-02-20 19:00:522 (45:14)0 (-)5 (21:58)3 (12:37)4 (29:01)2 (25:02)3 (23:07)0198
2519 eLLioTT Online9 (13:46)10 (18:59)10 (13:50)10 (04:30)9 (11:49)10 (08:55)10 (06:50)068220227
2677 Mgla 2025-02-21 01:49:5211 (08:51)11 (13:47)11 (12:31)11 (03:29)11 (06:14)11 (04:28)11 (04:25)077125549
1172 iris8 2025-02-21 01:46:526 (20:26)0 (-)0 (-)5 (09:18)0 (-)6 (14:45)0 (-)0179
1383 natali_dm 2025-02-20 18:37:524 (29:51)5 (56:40)4 (25:09)7 (08:43)8 (17:42)5 (15:52)6 (12:28)03956998
1600 Andrew_Aysen 2025-02-15 19:48:480 (-)0 (-)0 (-)2 (16:30)0 (-)0 (-)2 (52:42)0410

Juegos activos

B8831388 50
2020-07-10 18:55
It seems that the division of tournaments for Amateur and Pro is not justified. Both too few participants. And both may not take place. bad

Me gusta + 1     1
B8831388 50  2020-07-10 19:39 + 2
At least we play! A Pro broke. And it would be 7 participants - more fun!
gost9874 39
2020-07-10 20:32
And I was pleased with the opportunity to play with equal strength players. And then the odds are there is something humiliating, and without the handicap I do not pull)

Me gusta + 1     5
B8831388 50  2020-07-10 21:09 + 3
The handicap has its pros and cons (in my opinion more disadvantages).
But when you split the tournament ranking, they can not take place at all, that disappoints those who want to play.
gost9874 39  2020-07-12 11:00 + 0
Could not agree more) of the Previous three tournaments took place, which is very upsetting. But the opportunity at least once a week for beginners to play with equal opponents, you need to leave, but hold a tournament for the pros at the same time probably doesn't make sense
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