Thanks to the author! It was interesting to solve. Only now, unfortunately, I did not understand with our limited brain, what is depicted in the picture?
Well, now I managed to solve this crossword puzzle. Thanks to the administration of the website, you can now change colors at your discretion. That is, if there are difficult tones.
In response to this I clicked on advertising, which, frankly, I don't need. But clicked a few times, until the crossword was solved and thereby contributed to the development of the website, which I liked.
the crossword puzzle very interesting. The picture pretty a Madame turns. I thank the author for providing me enjoyable minutes (or hours?).
Me gusta 5 4
2019-11-30 20:44
Thanks to You and modified
2019-12-01 19:19
It means I'm here most of all indignant about this? Thank you Ioanna, your comment warms my heart! Something I was able in this world to change for the better. Applause not necessary, I am a humble man, actually.
Well, in response to the prompt reaction of the administration I promise to click on each ad (which, again, I in General is not needed). Blocker I have disabled almost as soon as noticed the request of the managers of the site. At least some contribution to the development of the site I would.
Здравствуйте Елизавета! Наконец-то мне удалось осилить ваш кроссворд. Времени на него у меня ушло больше, чем планировал, так как он не простой. Можно сказать - сложный.
Теперь я вам могу сказать - почему его изначально отклонила модерация. Когда его начинаешь решать, то зацепиться абсолютно не за что. Видимо, модератору показалось, что он нерешаемый.
Кроссворд очень интересный. И картинка красивая. Но он не для тех, у кого главная цель - быстро набрать ресурсов. Этот кроссворд создан вами для истинных ценителей этого искусства. Это - настоящий японский кроссворд, каким он и должен быть.
Спасибо вам. Это - шедевр.
Но подбор, всё-таки присутствует. С левой стороны фиолетовые клеточки обычным способом решить не смог.
Me gusta 3 1
2019-11-28 03:41
Galomed, thank You for the detailed report on the completion of this crossword! Always knew this crossword puzzle difficult to solve, but so interesting. And You are right this crossword puzzle was created for true connoisseurs of this art. Thanks again!!!
Still, I managed to solve this crossword puzzle. Very interesting. And the picture is nothing like that. But the big disadvantage - it is difficult to distinguish black from dark blue. Personally, I used a magnifying glass. First determine where black, and where the accumulated dark blue. After this has been the first time to do it.
Me gusta 4 2
2019-11-24 00:54
I don't know... my monitor clearly distinguishes all those colors.
2019-11-24 04:27
I guess it's all in the monitor. I have this idea slipped. Well, not the same person, creating a crossword puzzle, deliberately laying difficult color.
About color blindness, I generally keep quiet. But there are people who are better than others, distinguish colors, and there are those who distinguish between them worse.
It is very difficult to distinguish between these two red shades. Patience is not enough. Have nedorosl threw.
Me gusta 2 4
2019-11-22 23:30
why don't You try to solve the little colored crosswords? the site has a lot of very cute mini krossvordov
2019-11-23 17:44
Thanks for the advice, Tverianka. But it's not that I don't know how to solve large puzzles. The point here is that some authors, creating crosswords, sometimes lay back a couple of more subtle shades. So I usually don't do such.
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2019-11-23 20:46
Support @Tverianka - the site has just pearls Ecommercesite!
It clearly shows that the cross concocted in haste. Purely for mining coins.
Me gusta 1 2
2019-11-22 22:32
This crossword puzzle was created in 2016-12-03 when the coins had little or no value. So people created something that was capable of. Not everyone can be Leonardo Da Vinci
2019-11-22 22:46
Okay, thank you. But still, I barely get it - how can I create a small crossword puzzle, and even with the selection?