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Liika 38 Solver Rank
! /forum/puzzle/27   2020-01-17 12:29
Good afternoon. I don't know what this puzzle - but when collecting pieces disappear, with all the other puzzles all right (((

Me gusta + 2     3
Lena2020 48  2020-01-17 11:25 + 4
Liika, good day, specially collected, nothing was gone, he remembered how in pain with polyominoes puzzles until the browser has changed, save the puzzle and deliberate in another browser or clear the browser I use, I would have doneporukam
Alisa_Anufrieva 47 Solver Rank  2020-01-17 11:54 + 3
Please tell me You build the puzzle on the computer or other device? The fact that the collection of puzzles on your tablet I also have this situation, I do so - turn to the vertical position of the tablet and then there are all the pieces.
Liika 38 Solver Rank  2020-01-17 12:29 + 1
on the computer, wait I'll try in a different browser ))
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