The constructor has been updated. We simplified it a little and made the functionality more similar to the existing design of the size selection form in the puzzle catalog. Before the new year, we will try to fully integrate the designer with the puzzle catalogue. The system will become more logical and understandable. The separate principle of accounting and awarding prizes when solving puzzles in the puzzle catalog and in the puzzle catalog will be eliminated. A puzzle of the type and size you choose will be created automatically after solving it, or initially taken from the catalog, if one exists. In any case, a full drop will be awarded for the solution and your speed will be recorded. If you solve exclusively through the puzzle catalog, we recommend trying out the updated puzzle functionality now: (подписаны в каталоге как "горизонтальные, вертикальные, панормные") (подписаны в каталоге как "фигурные, прямые резкие, волнистые")
И если у вас возникнут каки-либо пожелания по доработке, высказать их.