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Torneo #4812 «BelPuzzles Evening»

Регулярный турнир по белорусским пазлам 6x8 клеток без чисел
Hora del servidor: 2025-03-25 13:47
TorneoFondo de premiosCalificación Inicio de registro Comienzo del torneoGiraContribuciónMinutos para recorrido Miembros
#4812 Rompecabezas bielorruso BelPuzzles Eveninghandicap Fondo de premios8   +1 ∞ R09.06 12:5509.06 20:15 5/518 (5)8 / 20
JugadorI (09.12 10:00-09.12 10:08) #109238II (09.12 10:05-09.12 10:13) #109247III (09.12 10:10-09.12 10:18) #109262IV (09.12 10:15-09.12 10:23) #109297V (09.12 10:20-09.12 10:28) #109349HándicapGafasUbicaciónPremio
1727 Game 2025-03-25 12:12:547 (01:28)5 (01:44)7 (02:25)6 (00:08)6 (00:22)2332
1465 tetra 2025-03-15 00:53:485 (01:32)6 (01:35)6 (02:30)7 (00:07)5 (00:23)8371
1611 plyushka 2022-11-26 23:10:040 (-)0 (-)0 (-)0 (-)0 (-)447
1746 B8831388 2021-12-17 01:42:024 (01:33)7 (00:43)5 (02:37)7 (00:07)6 (00:22)0294
1376 belyak62 2019-12-11 07:49:432 (02:41)3 (03:42)3 (03:56)5 (00:09)4 (00:25)10275
1478 Tane4ka 2025-03-24 19:40:533 (01:56)4 (02:41)4 (03:33)7 (00:07)7 (00:18)6313
1467 nadejdashaldina 2025-03-24 23:18:536 (01:30)0 (-)2 (04:10)4 (00:10)3 (01:28)0156

Juegos activos

AliciaLial Solver Rank
2020-06-09 20:41

Me gusta + 1     2
t98743235 Solver Rank  2020-06-09 20:43 + 1
Join us! shari
Meduzia Solver Rank  2020-06-09 20:53 + 0
tetra Solver Rank
2020-06-09 20:48
And again, no time, no prizes. Okay, I'll make an assessment of "2" for these puzzles. Once the case is far from unique, it means that their quality deserves.

Me gusta + 2     10
AliciaLial Solver Rank  2020-06-09 20:49 + 3
I have everything in order and with time, and with prizes what
AliciaLial Solver Rank  2020-06-09 21:15 + 3
Dear Satovcha, help, please, the player tetra - tell me what the problem might be poklon sos
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