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Registrado: 2015-04-05 12:02
Última entrada: 2024-02-10 21:35   29 1.5%  

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lapanus023 29
! /missions/25_kotov_s_dropom_x1   2020-10-03 00:55
The mission is great, but the last 25 fifth stage did not go through. 3 hours killed, but no solution found.

Me gusta + 3     2
olenenok 51 Solver Rank  2020-01-25 13:51 + 3
I killed ignat: but the solution is there , only we have not yet found.
olenenok 51 Solver Rank  2020-10-03 00:55 + 3
And now, after 9 months, I finally decided stage 25, the solution is definitely there.
lapanus023 29
! /takeprize   ! #379802   2019-12-28 05:46
Still unable to remove this delay time is not always possible to go every 8-10 hours. The time is 7pm, and I gotta be up at 4 to get coins? This is pure nonsense.

Me gusta + 7     7
Ioanna 43  2019-12-22 21:47 + 5
A maximum of once per day taken, if you do not forget bozhe
mikl 53 Solver Rank  2019-12-22 22:10 + 5
The desire to obtain coins for anything, and even at a convenient time - course clear! But then it would have been very easy! Which, unfortunately, happens in my life. It turns out - is also nonsense!
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