This site allows members to rate puzzles ONLY AFTER a member has cracked/ solved/ finished a puzzle.
Several puzzle are too difficult that some or many members can not solve it even after spending hours. But they don't get to rate the puzzles bad or dislike, so the puzzles are always rated by members who have just solved it so those members are in euphoria of their win and they rate the puzzle highly.
Puzzles should be allowed to be rated by members even if they couldn't finish it. That would give more accurate rating.
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Previously, On the thumbnail of various puzzles displayed on the screen, there were to additional tiny icons appearing, one of which gave the user option to delete the saved puzzle.
In the latest update of the site, those links have been removed.
That was a very useful and handy link - to be able to delete any saved puzzle from right there, without having to go through the screen of long list of all saved puzzles. In that long list we are not able to identify which puzzle(s) we want to delete from saved entries. We have to open them one by one and use some personal method to identify the one(s) which to delete.
Request restoring the option of deleting the saved puzzle from the mail puzzle thumbnail screen itself.
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What have you done in multi-sudoku? I am not able to enter notes in any cell just by pressing multiple numbers. That was how it was done across the years. We learn that, practice that, get that in a habit and you change the method. That is not good.
Putting notes by clicking or tapping buttons is for kids. seasoned players find it convenient to type numbers directly. So much mouse movement between the cells and digit buttons wastes time and efforts.
Also, there is no keyboard shortcut like pressing control-digit to put notes, as is in killer and some other puzzles. That is also problematic, but better that tapping/ clicking the buttons.
Please bring back previous method of directly typing notes, instead of taping/ clicking buttons.
or give sudoku killer like method of control-digit to type the notes directly in the cells.
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2023-06-19 18:48
@GrandGames, переысылаю сообщение, в мудьтисудоку исчезла возможность проставлять цифры с клавиатуры. Примерно три часа назад всё было нормально.
vsrawat Был недавно 43Пожаловаться
#592293 37 мин. назад
What have you done in multi-sudoku? I am not able to enter notes in any cell just by pressing multiple numbers. That was how it was done across the years. We learn that, practice that, get that in a habit and you change the method. That is not good.
Putting notes by clicking or tapping buttons is for kids. seasoned players find it convenient to type numbers directly. So much mouse movement between the cells and digit buttons wastes time and efforts.
Also, there is no keyboard shortcut like pressing control-digit to put notes, as is in killer and some other puzzles. That is also problematic, but better that tapping/ clicking the buttons.
Please bring back previous method of directly typing notes, instead of taping/ clicking buttons.
or give sudoku killer like method of control-digit to type the notes directly in the cells.
2023-06-19 23:22
Чтобы ставить/убирать кандидаты, переключитесь в режим простановки кандидатов
либо клавишей "~" (левый верхний угол физической клавиатуры). Кроме того, на десктопе, не выходя из режима кандидатов, правым кликом можно ставить и большие цифры.
What exactly could be the point of changing the expire time of first puzzle to 00:10 hours?
We all know that puzzles expire after 25 hours, meaning morning puzzle expires next morning at 9:55 AM, and evening puzzle expires at next evening at 21:55 PM.
Then why should this puzzle had to expire at 00:10 AM?
Actually, I was busy in work yesterday, so I had thought that I will join tournament and do the first puzzle today morning, but find that the puzzle has expired for no reason at 0:10 hours. Why so?
You mean we cannot rely on our memory of general trends of time at this site?
Do we have to read and memorize the start and expiry time of every individual puzzle?
You should have kept it simpler.
I was also unable to understand why it has to be 25 hours to begin with? Shouldn't a flat 24 hour time had been good enough for all interested players to attempt it wherever they could be all over the world?
And, then this problem of :55 minutes in time . Your site is global, members are players can be anywhere in the world, and it is already a big pain to convert time from Russia time to local time, but that can still be done if it is full hour at :00 minutes or at most half hour at :30 minutes, but when you further change the minutes that confuses people more than it solves things.
My humble suggestion:
1. Keep the start and ending time of all puzzles fixed, definitely in a same tournament, or same type of puzzle. don't change time for a single puzzle like above was changed to 0:10 for no obvious explanation.
2. reduce open time for a puzzle from 25 hours to 24 hours. Then each puzzle will have exactly same start and end time, but for AM PM change, and it will be easiest to remember.
3. keep all times used on this site at full hour or :00 minutes, or at most at half hour or :30 minutes. That will ease conversion across time zones.
4. this particular tournament runs for 5 days. there is no puzzle offered on Sats and Suns. This site is a fun site and we do have fun on weekends and holidays so we would love to play on Sats also. So no point making Sat an off day for this site. Make the puzzles run for 6 days, offering a total of 12 puzzles instead of 10. Then there will be no puzzle on Sunday, that will be result day, and next morning, Monday, next tournament starts.
Remember, previously your were offering 3 puzzles a day in this tournament, now only 2, though you have increased fee four times. So please consider to give us fun for one more day.
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Today, fifth tournament of Sudoku had been cancelled in last two months. Only one tournament actually occurred in last two months.
It is because of the bad rules for this tournament that are keeping users away from participating.
Ever since Auto fill has been removed from tournaments, the time of 8 minutes-12 minutes for a sudoku puzzle has become too short that one cannot properly attend to a puzzle in 8 minutes and by that next puzzle is presented, and if the person continues the previous puzzle, he might finish that, but he has already lost valuable time for next puzzle, so he is doomed to loose.
Thus, participants are keeping away from it.
Sudoku is the original puzzle that started and popularized the game and that branched into various variants. It is sad to see the original game in such bad condition at this site, that bad rules have made it.
I had suggested to increase the time to double, but admins seems to have other ideas.
Also, the handicap thingy incorporated in this puzzle is also too restrictive, that a player not even playing or solving any single puzzle, stands to win the tournament solely on the basis of his huge handicap points. That is not proper spirit of game.
Now, even fee has been changed from coins to ticket and one has to buy that or crеate that in craft. If tickets is required, you should start giving such ticked as craft prize on solving other puzzles.
Several great games has been killed by the admins of this site by bad rules, or being too complex, and thus, even the tournaments have stopped altogether, like SudokuX and Windoku, but admins don't listen to suggestions and feedback.
suit yourself, it is your site, you made it, you are destroying it now.
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I am amazed by your "more than 10 hours have passed" ban.
Does that ban never expires?
It should expire if more than 15 hours have passed, or even more, say it should reset on every new day.
Currently, as I see it, if more than 5 hours have passed, that ban remains intact till the end of earth. If I come on next day, or next week, or next year, or after 10 years, even this it says "more than 10 hours have passed" so wait for 5 more hours.
That is ugly, and takes away the fun of free coins.
By the current system, you are actually making the users a servant on your web site that one come within 5-10 hours to click the collect prize, so that the ban of 5 hours doesn't lock it. That is not a good thinking.
I think you should not attach any tags to a "free coin". Just remove that 5 hour ban.
Or at least let that ban expire after some reasonable time. If I come after a week or after a year or after 10 years, and I want the fun to have free coins quickly, you are stealing away the fun part of it and making it a rigorous drill of 5 hours wait. In the hurried life of nowadays, no intelligent person has interest or time to wait for 5 hours.
Please give it a thought and make it a fun thing and not an unpaid duty on your site.
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Can we get an option to "reverse engineer"

an inventory item?
meaning, can we break down an item in our inventory to get the parts that are used in its creation?
say we have magic potion in 5 number, but have no blue potion or red potion, as I have consumed all,
And I urgently need some blue or red potion for some other creation.
So it will help if I can break down magic potion, to get all its components, that will give us 2 blue potion and 2 red potion.
It will make it crafting exercise more interesting and more creative.
Currently, one-way creation is a limitation on our imagination and sudoku is really all about developing our mind to various possibility and combinations.
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Please consider giving an option of "Revert" or "Undo" on crafting pages, after Creating an item or activating an item.
Actually it is confusing that some items have option of 2x 3x 4x etc. when creating. meaning they are creating as many time even on a single "creation", But we fail to notice that part, and we click to crеate to find that we have created on excess, thus utilizing our inventory in access.
say, containers are created x2. I had 2 so I needed 3 for magic potion, but I failed to notice "2" and clicked to crеate 4, and I got double, 8, now I need only 5, and I have got 10 that I don't need. So I need to cancel this creation, to recrеate with required number.
In such case, please give UNDO option so that we can cancel the last creation and recrеate in required number only.
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2021-08-02 17:29
I don't know Russian. Google translate gives me -
I advise you to read the book by Jeff Raskin "Interface".
Are you saying that to me or to the developers of the site?

nice book through, shall surely read it.
Suggestion for tournament points:
There are some participants who attempt the game but could not crack it. And, there are other participants who don't even start the game for various reasons.
I think those who started the game do deserve some recognition. They have done better than those who have not even started the game. They have spent time on this site trying to crack a tough game.
So my suggestion is: Continue giving 0 point to those who don't attempt, but do give 1 point to those who started the game and couldn't complete it. Thereby, all other participants who completed the game will get 1 point higher.
This way we can give recognition to participants for spending time and efforts on this site, even if the games are tough are everyone cannot finish it successfully.
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2021-07-28 21:56
"Предложение по турнирным очкам:
Есть некоторые участники, которые пытаются запустить игру, но не смогли ее решить. И есть другие участники, которые даже не начинают игру по разным причинам.
Я думаю, что те, кто начал игру, действительно заслуживают некоторого признания. Они справились лучше, чем те, кто даже не начинал игру. Они потратили время на этом сайте, пытаясь решить сложную игру.
Поэтому мое предложение таково: продолжайте давать 0 очков тем, кто не пытается, но дайте 1 очко тем, кто начал игру и не смог ее завершить. Таким образом, все остальные участники, завершившие игру, получат на 1 балл больше."
А я не согласна.
Как узнать, действительно ли игрок пытался что-то решать, или просто открыл игру, посмотрел и закрыл, даже не пытаясь что-нибудь делать?

I don't agree.
How do I know if the player really tried to solve something, or just opened the game, looked and closed it, without even trying to do anything?
Monthly MultiSudoku have less rounds, 2 rounds each day for 5 days, a total of 10 rounds only.
whereas weekly killer/windoku/SudokuX are having 3 rounds each day for 5 days, a total of 15 rounds only.
As a concept, annual tournaments should have more rounds than monthly, and monthly should have more rounds than weekly.
And it should continue for longer duration accordingly.
Currently Monthly MultiSudoku is of the same time like weekly, and has less rounds.
it is a paradox. please give it a thought.
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2021-06-08 20:56
Dear vsrawat.
It isn't paradox. Initially multisudoku tournament included all kinds: samurai, sohei, butterfly, cross etc.
The tournament was very difficult, so it have only 10 rounds.
Now it degenerated in simple sudoku, tudoku and doubledoku
Results of other players is showing -
1. Myshenja 2m.29s. 2021-05-21 17

how can someone solve this one in 2m.29s. Can you analyze whether any solver or some tool was used? Can we see the sequence and timing when he/ she filled the digits? That will help understand whether it was normal or rigged.
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